Lockdown Life at Bendigo
Tuesday at work was like any normal day. We had just shot our womens summer range the day before and we were all chilling a bit. It had been a hectic few months and we were pleased to get this major goal ticked off. Then we heard those dreaded words on the radio, that there was a community case. I think this lockdown took us all a bit by surprise as it was announced that day that we would be heading into a level 4 lockdown!!!
Funnily enough I had just been saying to Callum that we just need a holiday at home as we had just moved into our beautiful new home that we have built at Bendigo. So here we all are on an enforced holiday, which I have to say has been lovely and great timing for our wee family. Of course there are the worries of economic survival but we have chosen to make the most of this precious time together and am once again reminded that life is just a little too hectic and it is nice to take a slower pace of life. After the last lockdown mostly everyone I would talk too would marvel at the time that had to spend with family and how they enjoyed this time so much and I wonder why it is that we are all so crazy busy again.
Our days are very routine with a morning walk around the hills of Bendigo. Walter's bike riding skills have come on enormously and is a little bit too confident for my liking. Case in point when he veered down to the right and into the vineyard and down a steep incline getting faster and faster with yours truly running behind screaming 'Walter put your feet down' . Low in behold he did and he turned to look at me with a massive huge grin on his face.
Mimi is living her best life with the daily walks but could probably do without the undivided attention of her brother Walter and evening dance parties that kick off at 5pm. Walter envelops Mimi and jiggles too and fro wondering why Mimi isn't enjoying this party as much as him, while mummy and daddy sip their Central Otago vino's and take part when required.
Then there is the food. Oh the food. My husband Callum has a passion and talent for all things cooking and we have been treated to the most incredible dishes and baking on this lockdown.
Today we had cinnamon scrolls, yesterday it was pretzels and the day before was english muffins but his biggest achievement, in his eyes, is the from land to plate rabbit cotton papardelle he made after he hunted his own rabbit and made his own pasta.
So life is great. It's slow, it's full of laughter, good food and spending time with the people we love the most.
Maybe lockdowns aren't all that bad after all.
Christina xxx

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